2. Convenience for Who?

Successful companies are those that first focus on discovering the needs of the customer and then creating products to meet those needs.

A good example of this process in action would be the convenience store market. Initially, convenience stores were set up to provide basic food and household items to single working people who were unable to shop at traditional stores during normal shopping hours.


There was a need in the market for convenience in terms of time and place, and the convenience stores filled that need. Over the years, however, convenience stores have expanded both their products and services to meet the growing needs of their customers.

over the years:年を追って

Bill payment services were introduced. Ready-to-eat meals were expanded. Recently,with the growing popularity of online commerce, convenience stores are serving as distribution and payment centers for a variety of products. This allows customers to order online and then pay and pick up at their local convenience store. It addresses the customers’ dual need for secure payment and convenience.

ready-to-eat meal:インスタント食品

Not only with new products and services, but also the way convenience stores are managed serves to meet their customer needs. Sales and inventory are strictly monitored, and products that don’t sell within a short period are quickly replaced with ones that will.

replace with X:Xと交換する

Thus, convenience stores constantly react to the changing needs of their customers. As a result of these actions in meeting customer needs, convenience stores have experienced tremendous sales growth and profitability over the years.
