1. What Is Marketing?

Marketing is the process of discovering unmet needs in the market and creating products to meet those needs.

unmet needs:満たされていないニーズ

Based on this definition you can see that products are created only after a need for them has been established. Unfortunately, many companies tend to do just the opposite, creating products first, then searching for customers to purchase them. This approach tends to lead to inconsistent results.


One of the keys to understanding marketing is to observe the information flow between a company and the market it serves. As you can see in the diagram below, information flows two ways in a simple marketing system.

Market Information
Company          Market    
Product Information

information flow:情報の流れ

First, a company collects information on the market. This process is known as Market Research. This information usually concerns customer buying habits and patterns. Through this process, a company can determine if there are any needs which are not currently being satisfied through existing products. With this information, new products can be developed to meet those unmet needs.

existing products:既存製品

Once products have been developed, the market needs to be made aware of them. This process involves Sales Promotion and Advertising activities that focus on building product awareness and highlighting product benefits.

make aware of X:Xを認知させる
build product awareness:製品の認知度を上げる
product benefits:その製品を購入することによって得られる便益