Before launching a new product, a company needs to analyze its marketing environment, both internal and external. And in that environment, the three most important factors to consider are Customers, Competitors, and the Company. Each of these is important to understand in order to design an effective marketing strategy.
When analyzing your potential customers there are several questions to consider:
- What motivates customers to buy and use certain products?
- What product features are really important?
- Are customers satisfied with the product they are now buying?
This information will provide a company with a better understanding of unmet market needs, which should then lead to new product ideas.
potential customer:潜在顧客
Here a company needs to examine its competition, not only in its industry, but also in other industries that offer products that meet almost the same customer needs. (Example: home PC companies must consider the impact of portable phones, interactive TV and other devices that can deliver Internet services.) Some areas to consider include:
- Market position (market leader, challenger, follower or niche)
- Existing product line (broad or limited range)
- Current and past strategies (pricing, promotion or distribution)
This information will allow a company to “attack” its competitors on some of their weaker points while taking the necessary defensive measures to protect against their strengths.
examine the competition:競争状況を調査する
existing product line:現在の製品ライン
The company must also look at itself as part of its internal marketing analysis. Some items to consider include:
- Financial strength / Performance (sales growth, profitability, & debt levels)
- Internal resources / Cost analysis (manufacturing capabilities / unit costs)
- Product portfolio (compatibility with existing products)
This information will allow a company to focus on its strengths while minimizing its weaknesses.
financial strength:財務力
debt level:債務レベル、借金の程度
manufacturing capability:製造能力
unit cost:単価
product portfolio:プロダクト・ポートフォリオ
The marketing analysis can be summarized in the following diagram. A thorough analysis leads to a better understanding of the opportunities and threats in the market.
Customers → SWOT ← Company
(Strength / Weakness / Opportunities / Threats )